September 10th, 2020


Things to note:

- Please send paper package back to school (Paper envelope was sent home last Friday)
- Fridays are early dismissal at 12:30pm 👍

Ask Me About

-  Painting our sunflowers in art 
- Race to 100 in math
- What I wrote in my Gratitude Journal 
- Picture Day 
- New poem we learned in music  

Student Reflections

"Today we made sunflower drawings that were artistic this time and we used water colour painting and I was proud of my sunflower." -EF 

"In race to 100, we had a 100s chart and the chart we used to play a game called race to 100. I was really close to beating my partner, but he won. The next time he also won because the timer beeped and he was way ahead. He was in the 70s and I was only in the 30s." -LH 

"Today we had picture day. We got two pictures and then we had to stand in line and play a game called Silent Still Statues. We also took a class picture outside." -OC 


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